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Biological Anthropology
CX-10 $128.00

By Michael Alan Park

This concise introduction to biological anthropology discusses the core areas of the discipline within a unique framework modeled on the scientific method. Emphasizing themes and theories, the text presents facts as supportive evidence rather than dissociated pieces of information. Each chapter explores questions that get at the heart of the field, and then reexamines them in the same way that scientists generate and test hypotheses. Designed from its inception as a concise text, Biological Anthropology covers topics in a carefully managed level of detail, and offers examples of the everyday uses of biological anthropology.

Product Details
ISBN: 0078140005 / 9780078140006
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Copyright: 2009
Format Paperback, 480 pages

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Book CX-10 - $128.00
TOTAL 128.00